Marshland Yoga

So love going out to the marsh to practice. Birds and sometimes pronghorn (one time sheep!) make an appearance, and it’s peaceful. I’m a little bummed winter is on its way, I love practicing outside. Maybe we’ll get some more warm weather before April.

One of the things I love about filming my practice is having the opportunity to check my form, alignment (even in time lapse). It’s also a time for introspection, I get to be my own teacher. (One of the great things about practicing privately with a teacher is having someone giving you feedback as you go, workshopping poses, giving you things to work on when you practice…depth.)

Below are pics and video of practices from the past month, along with some scenery from the unique desert marshland ecosystem. It’s a place for me that is centering and peaceful. I only get a 25-30 min asana practice in when I go, but the drive out and back is meditative. So, I get an hour and a half practice each visit. Super grateful for my cousin, Lon, for opening up his space for me to use.

The thing that has stuck with me the most is the need to follow my own advice. Allow yourself to take up space. Release the habits that disempower. Celebrate every victory. Release the jaw. Broaden your collar bone. Smooth out your forehead. Be firm, but flexible, like bamboo. All the things.
