Sanskrit Writing

I’ve been taking a fun sanskrit writing class. It’s only 4 weeks long, but I’ve had time to practice. I love it because it combines my love for design, language, and meditation. I started working my way through the alphabet, grouping letters together that had a common element for more practice and to work on consistency.

These are my favorite!

These are my favorite!

Still working on these guys!

Still working on these guys!

Lots of room for improvement with this group!

Lots of room for improvement with this group!

Om Shanti

Om Shanti

Om shanti shanti shanti

Om shanti shanti shanti

You may have been to a yoga or meditation class that began with an Om and/or ended with Om Shanti Shanti Shanti. Om is a sacred sound and spiritual symbol in all the Dharmic traditions of India (Hinduism, Buddhism Jainism, and Sikhism.) It has 19 meanings. One is that it is the Source or Supreme. It is thought everything in the universe exists in Om (or Aum). It is the cosmic whole. Shanti means Peace. So Om Shanti means peace to everything in the universe. Chanting Shanti three times is Peace in Body, Speech, and Mind.

I’ll post more photos soon!

Correct version of Om Shanti

Correct version of Om Shanti