Kiva Lending

I got approved for a Kiva loan! If you’re not familiar with Kiva, it’s a really unique microlending platform. This $6500 loan will help me grow my business! My website needs to be upgraded so it can do all the things and support a growing business. I also need supplies and materials to keep things going and participate in more markets.

One of the awesome things about the loan is that it’s 0% interest for three years, and people who contribute to my loan will get their money back when I repay the loan. So it’s a loan, not a donation. Since 2005, $600M has been loaned globally through Kiva. In order to be approved you have to have a credit score over 700 and have a business that is making a positive impact in the world. You can read my story here. Please help me out if you can starting at $25 and share with your network. Thank you for your support, I deeply appreciate it. <3