Yogic Sleep

Yogic sleep, known as Yoga Nidra, is a guided meditation technique that promotes deep relaxation and a meditative state of consciousness. It involves lying down in a comfortable position and listening to a series of instructions that guide you through different stages of relaxation. It is known to be a powerful tool for reducing stress, improving sleep, and increasing self-awareness. We rest when we are sick so the body can heal. If you aren’t sleeping well, how can you heal?

It’s been a whole week and I’m still on a high from a text I received following a Yoga Nidra session with someone who has Stage IV Cancer. I was fully expecting her to sleep well, the rest of it just amazes me.

Part of what makes me feel so grateful is that she feels happy and at peace. Her appetite improved. Her mother-in-law noted that she seemed more energized than she has been in a long time. Most stunning is that the eyes straightened themselves out, the headaches subsided, and the acid reflux got under control.

A week later, her eyes were still straight, the headaches were back but not as bad, and she was still eating well. The acid reflux came back, though, and she wasn’t sleeping solid again. We did another session last night. She fell asleep halfway through the 45-min session. When she woke up this morning after sleeping solidly, she did not have pain or nausea. That is a huge win. She feels happy about the upcoming week. It really is something to celebrate.

At the very least this practice helps restore the nervous system, organs, and physical body while relieving stress and anxiety, and induces relaxation encouraging a more restful sleep. With a regular and consistent practice, I’m optimistic we will see more positive results.